Global emergency fears as virus spreads newscomau

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Assam teacher booked for forcing female student to watch porn

Karimganj: A head teacher of a government school has been booked for allegedly forcing a female student to watch pornography in the classroom. The incident took place on August 12, in the Karimganj district of Assam. As per Karimganj’s superintendent, the police have registered a case against the teacher under several sections of the Protections […]

Global emergency fears as virus spreads newscomau

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Assam teacher booked for forcing female student to watch porn

Karimganj: A head teacher of a government school has been booked for allegedly forcing a female student to watch pornography in the classroom. The incident took place on August 12, in the Karimganj district of Assam. As per Karimganj’s superintendent, the police have registered a case against the teacher under several sections of the Protections […]

Global emergency fears as virus spreads newscomau

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Assam teacher booked for forcing female student to watch porn

Karimganj: A head teacher of a government school has been booked for allegedly forcing a female student to watch pornography in the classroom. The incident took place on August 12, in the Karimganj district of Assam. As per Karimganj’s superintendent, the police have registered a case against the teacher under several sections of the Protections […]

Global emergency fears as virus spreads newscomau

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Assam teacher booked for forcing female student to watch porn

Karimganj: A head teacher of a government school has been booked for allegedly forcing a female student to watch pornography in the classroom. The incident took place on August 12, in the Karimganj district of Assam. As per Karimganj’s superintendent, the police have registered a case against the teacher under several sections of the Protections […]